Understanding the Causes of Obesity
It’s easy to look at someone who is overweight and assume that person has made poor lifestyle choices. For board certified general surgeon Dr. Matthew St. Laurent’s Houston-area patients, the matter is much more complicated than that. There are often multiple reasons behind excessive weight gain, which is why a personalized approach to treatment is needed to help people shed unwanted pounds.
What Causes Obesity?
Weight gain happens whenever more calories are taken in than are burned. One pound equals 3,500 excess calories, which are likely added slowly over time until a person becomes overweight. If measures aren’t taken to lose weight, extra pounds will continue to be added until an individual is eventually obese.
Obesity is tied to poor eating habits and inactivity; however, quite a few other factors contribute to it as well. For example, certain health conditions such as hypothyroidism may cause people to put on unwanted pounds by slowing the metabolism. Other conditions such as high blood pressure may cause people to gain weight by allowing them to retain water.
Other factors that play a part in weight gain are the following:
- Physical disabilities that prevent people from exercising
- Certain medications
- Eating disorders
- Heredity
- Aging, which slows the metabolism
- Hormonal imbalances
- Pregnancy
- Sleep deprivation
- Environmental factors such as fast food, high calorie drinks and socialized eating
- Psychological and emotional factors such as depression, stress, loss of a job, death of a family member or relationship issues like divorce
Some people struggle with diet and exercise because of other underlying causes behind their weight gain. These individuals may not respond well to traditional weight loss methods, but instead will require a more in-depth approach to treatment. Dr. St. Laurent has helped so many people successfully lose weight because he treats the total patient with a comprehensive approach, helping people improve their health and eliminate any underlying causes that might hinder their dieting efforts.
If you’ve had a difficult time losing weight, there may be a very good reason behind it. Houston patients who are serious about achieving a normal weight have a powerful advocate in Dr. Matthew St. Laurent, who can be contacted at 281-301-1404.