Gastric Sleeve Surgery

If you are living with obesity and can't seem to lose weight through diet and exercise alone, it may be time to consider bariatric surgery.

The gastric sleeve procedure is one of the most popular and most effective weight loss surgeries in modern bariatrics.

At Northwest EndoSurgical, we help patients lose weight with gastric sleeve in Houston, TX. Could it be right for you?

​How Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Work? The Basics of Sleeve Gastrectomy

image depicting how gastric sleeve works

Gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy) involves removing a significant amount of stomach tissue so the stomach is reduced in size to a small tube or sleeve. When the size of the stomach is reduced, patients require less food to feel full. Meanwhile, the reduction can trigger hormonal changes in the body that contribute to additional weight loss and the improvement of weight-related health conditions.

According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, an estimated 160,609 people received gastric sleeve surgery in 2022.

Our Bariatric Expert Discusses the Life-Changing Gastric Sleeve Procedure

Houston patients are often reassured by the way Dr. St. Laurent clearly explains his procedures. In less than two minutes, he describes the benefits and advantages of the gastric sleeve. This procedure is especially popular for its simplicity and swift recovery. After your gastric sleeve in Houston, TX, you can begin working within the week and potentially lose more than two-thirds of your excess weight in the first year.

​The Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Appetite Suppression

Gastric sleeve surgery involves reducing the stomach to less than half of its original size. A smaller stomach will result in you feeling full after eating less food, gradually producing healthy weight loss.

Minimal Scarring

Because Dr. Matthew St. Laurent is a surgeon who prefers to operate laparoscopically, the scarring from the surgery is minimal. The procedure only requires four or five small incisions in the abdomen that are less than half an inch long.

Improved Health

As you lose weight after your gastric sleeve surgery, obesity-related health conditions like type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and more can improve.

Life-Changing Weight Loss

Within a year, many patients lose around 65–70 percent of their excess body weight, if not more. A healthier body and slimmer figure can help you take on the world with improved energy and confidence.

The team

Let's Get Started​

Dr. Matthew St. Laurent has been serving patients who struggle with their weight since 1998. If you are considering a gastric sleeve, we invite you to request a consultation with us today. During a consultation at our Houston bariatric surgery office, Dr. St. Laurent will conduct an exam and determine if a gastric sleeve or another procedure is right for you. Your weight loss surgery can be scheduled as soon as possible. To request a consultation, please fill out our online form or call:

(281) 921-1890

“A pleasure to work with.”

“I am 8 weeks post gastric sleeve. I feel good and I am very pleased with all of the care and guidance I receive from Dr. St. Laurent. I cannot say enough positive things about the dieticians and the quality of the aftercare at this practice. I can call any number of people including Dr. St. Laurent and gets answers and guidance anytime, which is important with such a life changing procedure. The entire team has been a pleasure to work with.” Cammie Parish

Watch Our Surgeon Perform Gastric Sleeve Surgery

With a gastric sleeve, or sleeve gastrectomy, Dr. St. Laurent can remove a major portion of your stomach before reshaping it into a much thinner, tube-like sleeve. This reduces hunger and allows you to feel more full with less food. This video showcases Dr. St. Laurent's immense skill at performing laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery.

Dr. St. Laurent's Team Elevates Patient Results

Dr. St. Laurent is one of the most experienced surgeons in our area. His vast experience and skill are complemented by an incredible team. 

Our surgeon conducted an exhaustive search to ensure that his support staff at Northwest Endosurgical is top-tier. His team includes bariatric-trained dietitians, professional counselors, and a board-certified internist/pulmonologist. 

This outstanding group of bariatric professionals allows Dr. St. Laurent to provide comprehensive treatment to his patients. His philosophy is that obesity is a disease and not a condition. By understanding obesity in this way, our practice can take a holistic approach to gastric sleeve surgery and supporting care.

woman having bariatric consultation

Inspiring Before & After Transformations

These are just two examples from our surgeon's long career helping patients shed excess weight through sleeve gastrectomy. 

Houston, Texas, Chooses Us


Lori Burns

Houston, TX


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Efficient and easy to work with; the staff makes the complete experience smooth, pleasant and each are so supportive. Dr. St. Laurent is a gem and so easy to talk to, he listens! Go see the will be happy you did!

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Julie Bernard

Houston, TX


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Staff is extremely friendly and prompt. Dr st. Laurent is very knowledgeable spends lots of time with you and answers any questions you have. You won't be disappointed

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Dr. St. Laurent shaking hands with a patient

Take the First Step

Into a New Era of Health and Happiness

Dr. St. Laurent has performed more than 6,000 advanced laparoscopic procedures. This cutting-edge technique minimizes risks and scarring while expediting recovery. To discover how our Houston surgeon can give you the same results he provided for the patients above, simply reach out to us to request your private consultation:

How Much is 
Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery falls in the mid-price point of bariatric surgeries. It costs less than gastric bypass surgery but slightly more than gastric band surgery. Pricing will vary but can be as low as $335 per month, thanks to our financing plans.

What Makes 
A Good Candidate?

This is what we look for when we meet with candidates in our Houston office:

Failed Weight Loss Efforts

The gastric sleeve, like any bariatric surgery, is only recommended when consistent diet, exercise, and weight loss medications have been unable to treat weight issues.

Severe Obesity

A BMI of 40 or higher would put you in this category. Genetic factors can play a role in causing extreme obesity and can make it incredibly difficult to overcome weight issues without medical intervention such as a gastric sleeve.

Weight-Related Conditions

If your BMI is under 40, you may still be a suitable candidate for a gastric sleeve if you suffer from major health conditions caused by your weight, such as type 2 diabetes. 

Reflux and Esophageal Disease

Too much acid reflux can make a gastric sleeve the wrong decision. This is because the new shape of the stomach can worsen reflux. Similarly, certain esophageal diseases can be exacerbated by a gastric sleeve. If you suffer from these conditions, a gastric bypass should be discussed instead.

Check Your BMI

Gastric Sleeve Timeline What to Expect

Dr. St. Laurent has performed over 3,000 gastric sleeve procedures, making it the most commonly performed procedure at our practice.
Dr. St. Laurent has performed over 3,000 gastric sleeve procedures, making it the most commonly performed procedure at our practice.


During a consultation with Dr. St. Laurent, he will conduct an examination and recommend if he thinks bariatric surgery is right for you. He will cover all possible risks, complications, costs, and necessary lifestyle changes. If you and the doctor decide gastric sleeve is the best choice, your procedure can be scheduled.


In the two-week period leading up to your surgery, Dr. St. Laurent's dietitians will recommend a dietary program for you, which will include low-carb foods and protein shake supplements. He may also advise you to stop taking certain medications or forgo smoking and alcohol.


When you come in for your weight loss surgery, you will be put under general anesthesia, so you will be unconscious during the procedure.


Dr. St. Laurent will make several small incisions around one-fourth to one-half of an inch in length in the abdomen. Your surgeon will insert a laparoscope, or tiny camera, through one of these small incisions to broadcast images to a nearby video monitor. These images will guide Dr. St. Laurent throughout your operation.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Your surgeon will remove a sizable section of stomach tissue, reducing it to less than half of its normal size. The remaining stomach tissue will be a thin, vertical “sleeve,” which is then stapled shut. Dr. St. Laurent will then remove all of his surgical tools and sew the incisions closed.


To reduce the chances of serious complications after bariatric surgery, it is important to follow our recovery instructions. A patient manual will be provided. Your diet will be restricted for around one month after surgery. In the beginning, you may consume only liquids; you will gradually add solid foods back into your diet over time. You will also need to minimize the amount of food you eat at one time. It’s important to drink plenty of fluids during the recovery period to avoid dehydration and constipation.

Weight Loss

As you recover from bariatric surgery and eventually resume normal activity, you will become full after eating less food. As your body absorbs fewer calories, you should experience dramatic weight loss in the first year. For the healthiest possible results, it is important to eat a nutritious diet and exercise regularly.

Front desk

Find Out If Gastric Sleeve Is Right for You

Dr. Matthew St. Laurent has dedicated his life to providing solutions for people struggling with obesity and weight-related conditions.

Having performed thousands of bariatric procedures, Dr. St. Laurent has the experience to determine if the gastric sleeve is the right option for you and to provide results that help you enter a new chapter of health and happiness in your life. To request a consultation with the doctor, call or contact us online today.

(281) 921-1890

Houston Recommends Dr. St. Laurent


Susan Loocke

Houston, TX


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I visited Dr. St. Laurent to go over issues I have that have developed over time. The office is beautiful and the staff that I worked with were wonderful. Dr. St. Laurent sat down and listened to my issues. He did not give me the impression he had any other patients- I was the number one and only focus during my visit. He explained my issues as well as did a really good drawing to make sure I understood. Highly impressed.

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Joby Joseph

Houston, TX


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The team at Northwest Endosurgical is amazing... Dr. St. Laurent made me very confident and comfortable during and after the procedure. The dieticians are excellent. They are very patient and supportive. The team stands out by providing accountability and care, without shaming. The entire staff works in sync with you and the rest of the team. What else is there to write; they may have helped save my life.

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We Offer Hormonal Treatment As Part of Our Lifelong Commitment to Our Patients

The use of hormones to encourage weight loss and regulate weight is effective for many bariatric patients. Dr. St. Laurent has been administering hormonal treatment for over 15 years. In fact, he was the first Biote® hormone provider in all of Houston. 

Biote is a pioneering company in the field of hormone therapy. By administering personalized Biote prescriptions, Dr. St. Laurent can optimize your hormones as a way to help you manage your weight after receiving your gastric sleeve. Biote therapy can also improve energy, mood, sleep, and mental acuity. 

During a consultation, you and Dr. St. Laurent can explore this option as a means of achieving a healthier weight.

Non-Invasive Body Contouring 

After Bariatric Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is performed to achieve dramatic weight loss. When weight loss occurs very quickly, it can leave a newly slender patient struggling with some excess skin. 

Our practice offers advanced body contouring with cutting-edge InMode technology. This contouring system allows us to tighten your body without additional surgical procedures. We proudly offer this service to patients so they can enjoy the effects of weight loss to the fullest.

InMode Technology

Exploring Revision Weight Loss Surgery

Revision weight loss surgery converts your current bariatric surgery into another procedure. You may be a good candidate for revision weight loss surgery if:

  • You're experiencing complications, you've regained your weight, or you're not achieving the results you've envisioned.
  • Your gastric sleeve is causing acid reflux or expansion of the stomach. In this case, converting the sleeve to a gastric bypass or duodenal switch may be the best option.
  • Your LAP-BAND® has slipped or loosened over time. In these cases, Dr. Saint Laurent can remove the LAP-BAND and convert you to a gastric sleeve or gastric bypass.

The best way to know your options and determine the path forward is to request a consultation with Dr. St. Laurent at Northwest Endosurgical.

“Above and beyond.”

“Dr. St. Laurent and his staff go above and beyond ANY physician I have ever been to. I have had 2 in office visits and each time Dr. St. Laurent has been patient, thoroughly goes in detail his recommendations and you don't feel rushed. I have only had the pleasure of dealing a few of the staff and they all are very personable and treat you like so much more than just a patient. I highly recommend Dr. St. Laurent to ANYONE.”

Sarah Briggs

FAQ About Gastric Sleeve

Is gastric sleeve surgery painful?

Our Houston, Texas, team administers general anesthesia so patients are unconscious and comfortable throughout their surgeries. While you may experience some abdominal discomfort and pain around your incisions in the weeks after your surgery, it can be managed with pain medication. Any discomfort is temporary and should only last a few weeks.

Does insurance cover bariatric surgery?

Some plans do. Our team can confirm if your insurance will cover your treatment and determine what the requirements are before moving forward with your care. Our Houston office accepts most insurance plans. If your insurance doesn't cover bariatric surgery, we also accept financing plans so that life-changing surgery is always within reach.

Are there potential complications?

Complications from gastric sleeve surgery include abdominal leaks, infection, bleeding, and nutrient deficiency. If you experience a fever, intense pain, nausea, vomiting, breathing issues, or other serious symptoms, reach out to us. Patients are always welcome to contact our Houston, Texas, office if they have a question or think they are experiencing a complication.

Dr. Matthew St. Laurent

Northwest Endosurgical

At Northwest Endosurgical in Houston, Texas, Dr. Matthew St. Laurent helps patients achieve dramatic weight loss and improved health through bariatric surgery. Dr. St. Laurent is one of the most experienced bariatric surgeons in greater Houston, and he is affiliated with several professional organizations, including:

  • The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
  • The American College of Surgeons
  • The Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons
  • The Obesity Action Coalition
  • The American Medical Association
  • The Texas Medical Association
  • The International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)

To schedule a consultation, book online or give us a call at (281) 921-1890.

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